Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's Hard...

...being a mom.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not writing this post to complain or say how bad I have it because I am well aware that my blessings far outweigh my "hardships."  But I just want to say to ALL the moms out there you have a hard job that I never truly understood until now.

I think it is important to give credit where credit it due and if I have ever minimized or downplayed any mom's role please know that I have a completely different outlook now and I give you {ALL} the credit!!

There is no "end" or relaxing on the couch for a mom.  There is a never ending list of things to do from cleaning clothes to changing diapers, from reading books to giving hugs and kisses!  It can be tiring but I know more than it is hard it is a blessing.

...and twice the blessing for us that we get to experience two sweet babies at one time!

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