Wednesday, December 16, 2015

As Happy As A Bird

This past weekend I found a canvas that my mom had brought to my attention some time ago.  I loved it then and I adore it now.  When I finally found one in probably the cutest store in Easton, I had to have it.  

It reminds me of a verse in the bible that says, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?"

This will be the perfect reminder as I get dressed each morning (I hung this in my closet) that I am valuable and I can have a day where I choose joy and I choose happy.  God is present even when I look back and have to ask where he was.  He is there.  This simple sign that probably had no spiritual meaning written between the lines is the perfect reminder that God did not cause the hurt and pain in my life but he is going to bring me joy in the sorrow because he has promised heaven and he has validated the worth of even the birds of the air.

He cares about me. I am so thankful as I walk into the 17th day of the month tomorrow that I have this simple sign to wake up to.  I am so thankful he clearly speaks to me through the most unsuspecting things.

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