Wednesday, March 28, 2012

...and then there were FOUR!

I can't believe I am actually typing this!

John and I are expecting TWO sweet new people in our lives! Our family of two is very quickly changing to a family of four on October 10 (or probably a little sooner since there are two)!

Our journey was not short, but also not without God's perfect timing. We had talked about having a baby for a long time and finally decided (once we knew school and shelling out ALL of our money to Northern was almost complete) that now was our "perfect timing." God had a little different plan in mind, which long story short, has turned into the most perfect plan and the most perfect timing!

We had seen several negative pregnancy tests and talked to the doctor several times. He decided to put us on medication in October, which meant blood work twice a month. If you know me you know that is not a good thing EVER, but since we were only allowed to take the medication for at most three months I sucked it up. The second month when we saw four or five negative tests we had kind of decided that maybe this wasn't going to work after all. The doctor had different thoughts completely and decided to have us try once more. This time was God's time. He was ready to give us the desires of our heart, and did he ever!

I woke up on January 27th (three days earlier than I would have normally been able to find out) and took a test. It was Johnny's birthday and I wanted to surprise him with the news if it was positive. I couldn't hold it in for even a second! I started yelling and crying immediately. John came running into the bathroom and looked at me with a concerned face. I think he thought something was wrong because I kept saying, "There are two lines...there are two lines!" We had never seen that before so he wasn't really sure what that meant. He didn't realize that two lines meant we were in fact pregnant! It was a great day and we kept the news to ourselves (even though that was the hardest thing in the entire world to do) until we could tell our parents.

It was great news, but at this point we still had no idea there were two. At least one of us didn't....

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