Friday, February 28, 2014


There is something about watching my two little peanuts grow and change that is energizing to me.  Every single day when I come home from work I find it's better than the day before.

The personalities they have developed are precious and something that I literally could not live without anymore!  They run to the door when they hear it open as I walk in each day.  They have started saying hello to me and bye bye to the babysitters because they know and understand it is that time of day.  Macy shows me the necklace around her neck.  Johnny lifts his arms up so that I will pick him up and kiss him.  All of these things give me energy.  The kind of energy I never thought I would have after working in a school with 22 other little people all day long.

My prayer now is that as we add another little person to our family in July this energy continues!  I pray that his/her steps to independence make me smile too.  I pray that we will all learn from each other and energize each other when our circumstances sometimes make us tired!  When I just want to come in and take a nap I pray that instead I see the three smiling faces of my babies and turn around and run back out to the backyard to play.  

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