Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Charlie - Day 10

This was taken from Charlie's CaringBridge page on July 16, 2014 at 10:31 P.M. 

Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

This journey with Charlie is not one that I would have ever ever chosen for him or for our family. I loathe watching him get sick. The constant beeping in our room makes me sick to my stomach and realizing that right now my baby has to have machines to help keep him alive and give him a chance to fight doesn't seem fair. But when I think about this verse and as I sit here and reflect on our day I realize that God is teaching me that regardless of what I choose and what I selfishly want he has a plan. He knows Charlie's purpose and his future. He will use this story of Charlie's for good. We are praying for a miracle. We are praying for him to be comfortable. We are praying for Charlie to pull through this. If nothing else Charlie has encouraged me to have a constant conversation with God. This is where my comfort lies today. 

The remainder of the day today has been fairly uneventful. They regulated Charlie's medication to help his blood pressure and other levels. They gave him blood and plasma to help his body have what he needs to fight the new infection they found. He got some more fluids. Right now we are waiting for this infection to clear up. It seems to the doctors that he is struggling to fight the infection because of the brain and liver issues we know he has. We are hoping if we can get rid of the infection we can lose "the sickest patient in the PICU" status and hopefully get some more answers about those underlying issues.

Tonight we read a counting book called "Dogs." Before we read it I told him about Macy and Johnny and how they love dogs. It was one of their favorite books so I thought he would enjoy it too. I think he liked it. Once we finished we said our bedtime prayers and then closed our eyes to get some rest. 


1. God would help us remember that he is in control.
2. God would clear the infection in Charlie's lungs and ventilator. 
3. God would calm our hearts. 
4. God would give the doctors the wisdom and perseverance they need to research Charlie's situation and then use whatever they learn to help him.

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