Monday, September 3, 2018

Labor Day

I normally DO NOT sit still.  I am always cleaning, organizing, planning, or scheduling something.  I am realizing how terrible I am at taking a sabbath solely to rest and play.  As I was asking God to show me how and when to rest he said, "Start today."    

I decided to be completely sold out to being labor free on this labor day and I held up my end of the bargain to myself and God until just around 8:30 when everyone was laying in bed.  Even then I only quickly folded a load of laundry, ironed our clothes for school, and then put clean clothes in everyone's closets.

It was this morning that I heard plans for a Nerf Gun war in the basement and I quickly joined.  When the boys took off to play golf this morning, Macy and I set up an in-home salon and while watching Princess Diaries we manicured and pedicured our favorite colors onto our fingers and toes.  It was the ideal time to spend completely in the moment without any distractions.  The evening got even better when I didn't have to lift a finger to prepare dinner (since we were so graciously invited to Jane and John's house to eat).  Macy and I made brownies to share (which definitely was way more fun than work) and waited out the rest of the afternoon on the sofa.


I always say the only run I regret taking is the one I didn't take and that is going to be SO true about my day of rest.  I realize it may be a bit more difficult without the additional day off of school each week but I think if I can get a system in place for meals and cleaning I may actually be able to rest at least ONE day of my weekends.

Here's to trying!


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