Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Miracles Happen

I had to STOP thinking and worrying about school for just a short minute tonight to write down some thoughts about one of my very best friends in the entire world.

You may remember back in January my friend Jackie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Lynnlee Faith. She was no ordinary little girl. She was blessed with a story that will bring you to tears and then make you smile from ear to ear. Here is just a small piece of their journey written by her dad on January 6th.

Just to give you a background of how we got to this point... Due to complications with the pregnancy, we were told by doctors at 18 weeks that Lynnlee would have a 0% chance of survival if she made it to birth. The reasons for this were because of no amniotic fluid which would mean that her lungs would not be able to develop and learn how to breath, they thought her kidneys were not working and that she wouldn't really grow. While we respected our doctors, whom we love, and their opinions, we made the choice to pray continuously for a miracle. God definitley had a different plan for sweet Lynnlee, as not only is she surviving but she is surviving 15 weeks premature. From 18 weeks on we had weekly doctor visits were we had an ultrasound and saw our doctor. Around 20 weeks a tiny pocket of fluid was found with Lynnlee, something many had been praying for. The fluid measured 1.8 cm and normal pregnancies have between 8-12 cm, we praised God for that pocket of fluid and were anxious to continue to see God's hand in her life. At this time we also found out Lynnlee had grown so the doctors decided to put Jackie on bedrest. After being on bedrest for about 3.5 weeks, last Thursday (12.30.10) we were admitted to the hospital to stay until Lynnlee was born b/c Jackie's water had broken. We lasted 4 days and on Monday morning, January 3 at 8:53 am we had a C-section and Lynnlee Faith Smith was born.

Lynnlee's story does not end there (which is the exciting part)! While we all know this alone would have been a miracle for everyone in the hospital to witness, Lynnlee decided (with God's help of course) she wasn't giving up!

And after 7 long months Jackie and Josh are finally able to take her home.

I wish I could write exactly how excited I am feeling right now and I wish I could explain in words how in awe I am of God's faithfulness and willingness to give us the desires of our hearts, but I can't. I will just say that He heard Jackie and Josh's prayers. I have no doubt in my heart that Lynnlee was an instrument in God's divine plan and was a blessing to everyone that met her. She will continue to bless my heart and I can't wait to meet her! That will be one special day!

Lynnlee's handprint in January when she weighed 1 lb. 2 oz.

Lynnlee in July (much bigger and ready to go home)

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