Saturday, January 17, 2015

My "January 17th" Thankful List

1. It was 50 degrees outside today.

2. I ate Johnny's leftover mint chocolate chip Graeter's ice cream.

3. The twins made me laugh all day.

4. Macy snuggled with me a lot.

5. Johnny picked up a new favorite line when he is mad. "Remember that Mommy!"

6. I ran four miles.

7. There was a Fixer Upper marathon on HGTV while I was at the gym.

8. Kentucky won.

9. Little Johnny grabbed my face and "kiss attacked" me.

10. I am laying down to go to sleep WAY earlier than normal.

11. A few people said "hello" today through text.

12. I made stuffed peppers (something new) for dinner.

13. It was good.

14. I talked to my sister.

15. I read a heartbreaking story of a family, but they're hiding in His embrace.

16. I cried over that family and their story and remembered our hope is in heaven.

17. I sat and watched the monitor tonight as they twins hugged and "snuggled" with each other before they laid down.

18. I read a blog post by a favorite (Big Mama) that reminded me of my friends.

19. I watched the Parenthood episode that I missed this week.

20. John leaned in and kissed me.

21. John did like four loads of laundry today AND put them away.

22. The twins were in a good mood.

23. John and Macy both say, "Pretty please..." now anytime they want something.

24. I was reminded that this journey we are on may help me help others.

25. My bed is warm.

26. Scout has stayed by my side today.  He is always snuggled up close.

27. The twins said their own prayer tonight.

28. They also tried to sing the ABCs.

29. I have loved reading the stories on Facebook.

30. I am reminded Charlie went to heaven 6 months ago.

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