Monday, September 21, 2015

Adoption is Love

So, I guess I will start with a confession.  I have been stalking a friend of mine for updates on her and her husband's recent adoption.  I know I am not the only one y'all...but I have been stalking them for some time and talking with her every now and then to hear about their sweet story from the very beginning.  Just recently their daughter was brought home to their wide open arms.  My heart is absolutely bursting with joy for them and for everyone that has been able to witness this miracle.   

While this process just finally brought a moment to dance I have seen the many moments before where they had to speed up to make it up the hills this journey brought and then slow down to make it around those unexpected turns.  I have watched her sit and yearn for her baby.  I have seen them shout from the rooftops (or in other words, Instagram) that they were finally matched.  I have watched them gracefully and lovingly meet their daughter's birth mom.  I have seen them love her well.  I have watched them hold their baby they so desperately longer for.  I have seen a momma finally become a momma the day her daughter was brought into the world.  I have been able to see this from a distance and watch how perfectly this miracle was woven into a story their daughter will be so proud to tell someday.

This story has been one of my life boats.  If you have read my blog before you know that I have had life boats and rafts save my life and keep me yearning for more while I am still here on this side of heaven. This story and this family (even though they may have no idea) was a pretty big life boat for me this year.  It brought moment after moment of joy for me in the most difficult of days.  Even when their story was one of uncertainty and they may have felt pain and sorrow, I could see that they did not waiver from God's plan.

Many times throughout this past year I have wanted to give up on the idea of miracles.  I did give up.  I know I have said that we saw a miracle when Charlie was taken to heaven but my heart sometimes doesn't want to believe that.  Where was our miracle on earth?  Why did that have to be the miracle we witnessed?  Without Charlie in my arms, I had given up on miracles and on the idea that prayer worked.  I had given up on the idea that blessings flows through our lives when we give our lives to Jesus.  I am okay to say that I was completely wrong.  I know when I pray I am praying so that God can more fully come into my heart and change it if he needs to.  I have been in a place now that requires me to trust God everyday more than I ever have had to before with every aspect of my life.  I know that blessings do flow through our beings but I also know that our earth is full of sin.

This family could have let something difficult turn into something Satan used against them, but they didn't.  Miracle.

This birth mom could have decided to have an abortion, but she didn't. Miracle.

This particular story could have ended badly.  But two people leaned into God's calling for their lives and did not ignore the need they had to do something.  The birth mom of this sweet girl felt a tug on her heart to make a good decision for her little girl and she followed through.  The small pockets of joy throughout this journey have now turned into a huge celebration!  Their daughter is home and everyone is happy and healthy!  I have seen a miracle on earth.  I needed to see this miracle for myself and I needed to have this conversation with God.  I am so thankful for this family's selfless love and dedication to bring their baby home.  Thank you for sharing your story.  Thank you for being a life boat for me as I continue to heal and deal with grief that feels too heavy many days. I now know there is still good on our earth too. 

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