Wednesday, September 6, 2017

God Didn't Make Me Tired

This evening Macy asked me a question that made me giggle.  But she was just so serious.  She said, "Momma, why didn't God make me tired at night like Johnny.  How come he made me so wide awake at night!?  Johnny just lays down and falls right to sleep.  I never do that!"

At first I didn't really have an answer.  But when I stopped for just a minute and sat down on the edge of her bed I was able to respond with such a sweet truth, one I never want her to forget as long as she lives.  

"Dear Sweet Macy, you were made and you were made perfectly by your heavenly Father.  He knew you before you were born and he knew the qualities and specials parts and pieces of you and your personality that you needed to BE YOU!

Maybe, just maybe, He knew when you got a bit bigger your momma would want a partner in crime to stay up late with and do crafts with.  Maybe He wanted you to have the grit to study just a bit longer into the night to get the grade (or more importantly the knowledge) you worked so hard for all school year.  Maybe He knew you would have friends that needed someone to be there for them in the middle of the night when they had a bad day.  Maybe He knew that when you grew up you would have a job and you'd come home to an evening where you play with your little ones and save the cleaning and the laundry for when they are in bed.

Maybe, none of these things come to fruition but I have a feeling He knows and He will reveal  how valuable that spunky, bright eyed little brain of yours is even in the middle of the night.

Just be YOU Macy.  That is something I want for you.  That is something your Heavenly Father wants for you too!"    

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