Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Dance and Dreams

We have hope; a hope that grabs the world by its shoulders and wake us all up to His promises.  When we are at our lowest we can hold onto that hope.  When we think we cannot make it another day we can snatch it up.  It is ours and He has promised us that those who fall asleep in Him will meet Jesus.  And that includes my Charlie boy.

This morning I woke up and my brother in law had sent me a text.

(And just to set this up, the several days previous I was grumpy.  I don't need anyone to say 'Amen' or agree...I know!  I was in a funk.  Even with vacation on the horizon I wanted to stay home in my bed.)  

Philip mentioned he had a dream and he wanted to tell me about it.  He said, "As weird as it may sound, I had a dream I'm supposed to share with you."  So I called and when he answered he said hello, good morning, and then went right into it.  He explained several pieces of the back story that I would need to know and then said, "Case, I know babies remind you of Charlie, because they remind me of Charlie too.  It makes sense that they would because he left this earth as a baby.  I want you to know that in my dream Charlie was giggling.  He was happy.  When he saw me he told Jesus to tell me about the babies.  Jesus explained that Charlie hugs the babies before they leave.  He said he hugs all the babies."  Philip stopped and then continued with, "Charlie is not dead Case.  He is alive and I think babies remind you of him because he has hugged them all!  A little piece of him is with them."

There was this weight lifted from my shoulders this morning after our conversation.  It made me sad for like a split second because of course I want Charlie here with me and then I realized those SMALL moments of joy I experience, he gets to experience 100% of the time.  Philip had no idea I was in a funk.  He had no idea why he was supposed to share that with me but I am so glad he followed the prompting from the Holy Spirit that said, "Tell her." because now I can picture Charlie giggling.  I can picture him hugging the neck of all those sweet babies coming to earth!  It reaffirms the hope I have and the hope I cling to.

What an incredible day filled with God's grace and love and HOPE!  We are all doing a happy dance today because we know Charlie is with Jesus and hugging ALL the babies!  

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