Sunday, April 5, 2020

Uncovering Lessons in the Midst of CoronaVirus

In the midst of hard, uncomfortable experiences we learn more than we ever could cozied up with the perfect circumstances and scenarios.  I am learning so many things about myself and about the people I love that I may not have known without this forced time together.  I wanted to write a few things down so that we could look back on this time as a family and remember some of the things we were feeling right in the middle of it.     

1. My mind is constantly consumed with horrible, difficult things and I haven't watched one single thing on the news about Coronavirus.  I literally have not watched ONE single thing; not a press conference with our governor, Andy Beshear, or a new channel broadcasting on the subject, nothing.  I am not recommending this but I do believe our mental health needs to be a priority and when we fill our minds with too much negativity (whether it is true or not) it can transform how we think.  If I need to know something John (or my mom and dad) will fill me in.  I can't let my mind be inundated with anything else that may keep me from finding the bright side in the midst of this terrible virus.  I already know it is bad and I already know I need to be careful in public places when I shop for our families groceries.  I am not panicked but I am anxious.  I have to take care of my mind.  This is one way I need to do this and I think that is ok.   

2. The past few days I have been overwhelmed by the fact that I need to entertain my children constantly in order for this to be less traumatic for them.  I have quickly learned after a few chats with good friends that that idea is in fact not true.  Each evening I am going to start asking myself; Do Macy and Johnny know they are loved and safe?  YES!  Are they fed and bathed (well bathed most of the time)?  YES!  Are we all together and finding joy in small moments?  YES!  All the rest then needs to fall by the wayside right now.  That is not something I can let consume my mind either.  In the words of a friend, "Today my kids stayed in their pjs, did not brush their teeth, had chocolate for dinner, and played on their iPads all day.  But they went to bed happy and safe and that is a win today." 

3.  Everyday is different.  Our moods and temperaments (especially) change from day to day.  If we feel upset or frustrated one day it is important to remember it may be completely different the next day.  Take advantage of the moments you feel "normal" and do things that you know will sustain you during those days that are less than ideal.  This advice is for myself as much as it is anyone else!

4. There is a scripture that says, "God doesn't necessarily take us out of pain and heartache.  Instead He gives us all the grace and everything we need to persevere in heartache."  1 Peter 1:3   That has so much truth packed into it that I do not need to dissect it at all.  We're not perfect but we can continue because of his grace and hope.   He will help us persevere.


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